

Possibility for changing Keyboard Layout

As you know, the QWERTY layout has dominated people in the whole world since the late 1800s. Although some of the new layouts such as QWERTZ, AZERTY are used instead of QWERTY in several European countries, they were derived from QWERTY and essentially there are almost no difference between them.

Why did QWERTY win the race against other novel, reasonable layouts such as Dvorak, Colmak? The reason actually lays in under the commercial reasons rather than the efficiency. Since QWERTY once dominated us and forced to get used it, we became unable to type the letters without QWERTY. Keyboards or typewriters without QWERTY failed to have a market share because humans were not good at learning 2 or more layouts. We did not get such an ability during 100 million years of the course of life evolution.

QWERTY is only aimed for English. Interestingly, however, it also seemed to be accepted in non-English speaking countries. It is note worthy that the QWERTY is not so bad for typing Japanese "Romaji". In contrast, the second famous layout, Dvorak, is apparently not suitable for writing Japanese mainly because the bad position relationship between Y and U.


I have to learn how to write English because the new keyboard layout "OEY" is under the evaluation. Although it is easy to prove the efficiency by typing given "static" letters, it is not practical. The worth of keyboard layouts should be verified by the efficiency to write down the practical letters reflecting on our saint creativity.